November 04, 2011

What is the final piece of the armour?

Issue 55 is going to be the last one for this project. For a while I have been wondering what parts are going to be in that final issue. Today I am working on issue 33. In my to-do pile I have up to the current issue, 41. Furthermore, on the website I can see previews of upcoming issues, up to 44. However, the contents of the remaining issues, 45 to 55, are unknown.

So what parts are in those last issues? I know the upcoming issues have some parts for the other sleeve and the upper-thigh guards. However, I have not seen an issue yet that has any pieces of the shin guards. Those must still be coming in 45+. I don't know how many it will take to finish each shin guard, or what order the parts will come, but I don't think that really matters. What I am wondering about is the last issue, what will be in it? What final part, or parts, will it contain to complete the armour?

I think it will be the golden "moon" crescent that attaches to the helmet. It is the most identifying signature piece of the whole armour. Images of Date Masamune always feature the black armour topped with a golden crescent. I think it would be quite fitting for the final piece of this armour project to be that signature crescent, and because it was not in the first few issues they are probably saving it for the last.

Here are a few images of Date Masamune in his armour. Although each one has a different style, you can't help but notice the common element in each is the large crescent on the helmet. That's why I think this part would make an appropriate final piece to assemble the armour.

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