September 23, 2011

Issue 22

This was an interesting, but difficult issue. While I was working on this one I also started working on the next issue too, so I suppose I'll be posting about 23 soon...

About this issue, I first had to finish another set of armoured plates. I thought working on 1/2 scale armour would be easier then working on full sale, but actually I think in some ways it's a little more difficult. For example: to attach a set of armoured plates to the body you need to tie the string so they hang 4cm. If your measurements are not exact for every string then the plates will hang slightly tilted. This will cause one, or more, strings to be pulled and when pulled they look thinner then the others. The difference is only about 1mm, but on the smaller scale that is very obvious.

Well, perhaps it's only obvious to me.

Anyway, the bulk of the work in this issue was creating and installing the lining of the helmet. In this rare case working about 10 issues late has been a benefit. I'm not sure about the process that goes into creating this magazine set, but sometime after the the parts for issue 22 were sealed in plastic, an error was discovered. The leather band that attaches the lining to the helmet was cut the wrong way. The stretch of the material went along the short length, not the long. This would make installing the piece almost impossible.

Fortunately the company caught the error, and a note was also tossed into the magazine warning not to do any instructions after page 8 until you had the replacement piece that would be included in issue 25. I was able to go to my pile and take out the replacement part and finish working on issue 22 without waiting an extra three weeks.

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